Part 9: Games and grudge matches.

Before we go anywhere though, lets have a chat to all our Ham-Ham friends and see how hyped they are for this festival.

I make no apologies for choosing to show Stan mid-backflip and Sandy mid-twirl.

Oooh, sorry Dexter. I dont think salesmanship is something you want to challenge Howdy on despite the Howdy Doll incident last update.

Hmm, I cant decide if Stucky and Cappy sounds more like a comedy duo or a childrens toy.

Oh, I can totally tell. This is the most lively Snoozers been in ages.

Sure, we did the rounds. Sounds like were in for a nice bit of relaxation after all this running around.

Well, wed be kinda treading on Boss toes

Of course, Hamtaro would never refuse Bijou like that! Which is why this is a but thou must! situation.

...For a strong guy, Boss sure cries easily.

Dont stay up late tonight. Go to bed early so you can enjoy a nice dream.
The second luckiest one for today is...Libra. Talk to your pals. You just might get a great hint.♪
The luckiest one for today is...Capricorn. Playing sports today is a good thing. The popularity you experience just might be great!
Today will not be very good for...Sagittarius. You may be warned not to ditch. Your lucky game is tree climbing.
Penelope is Pisces (so she shouldnt be staying up late anyway), Dexter is Libra, Snoozer is Capricorn (which makes for a great mental image of him playing sports ) and Jingle is our Sagittarius. (Trying to stop him ditching the group would be wasted effort.)

Now that Hamstarr has once again read our horoscopes, its time to head to the festival Or as the map screen calls it, Tip-Top Fair.

Hmm, looks like he flew straight past that guard. Wonder if that means we can just go in?

Ah, the police are just incompetent (still). Guess this is a good chance to just poke around, see the sights

...and make sure not to get sick.

The stall owners have plenty to say around here, and theres a lot of them! Expect plenty of chatter at the festival.

...Are these trading cards or sweets? Oh, maybe its the Ham-Ham version of Pocky. For just being breadsticks and chocolate, that stuff is incredibly satisfying to eat.

Also, maybe we should go look at the next stall before I sound any more like a weeaboo.

So, uh That didnt go so well. Seems like we might need to find a way to stop Boss pestering Maxwell at some point.

The area to the right of Maxwells booth is where the dance contest is going to be held, so naturally Stan and Sandy are here.

Being their usual selves, of course.

Wow, that guy looks like his life is pure hell. Must be Sparkles manager.

Yep, shes a diva. My sympathies to that guy.

Im sure Panda knows what hes doing. I mean, being the guy who builds and/or repairs stuff is 95% of his character. (With a 5% margin of error.)

Heading north from the site of Maxwells torment leads us to finding a minor gimmick of this area. Instead of having sunflower seeds scattered about, there are these animal toys we can interact with to get some. The catch is that theyre based on a strength check, so we need more Ham-Hams for bigger toys.

There are a couple of minigames we can see around here, but they arent available until the stamp rally begins. Must be a big event

Ah, excellent. And what do your workers have to say?

Back at the entrance, weve now tripped the flag to get us into the assembly grounds but we have the left side of this area to see yet, so lets hold off on that.

Gee, I wonder who that might have been.

Huh. The Ham-Hams are definitely some kind of famous amongst hamsters. Must be a weird feeling to see someone wearing a mask that looks like you.

Over to the west, two of the afro hamsters are performing the Boogie Down on stage. Oh, and theres this picture of Howdy and Dexter

...that responds to the code R, L, A, R, B.

One practical gift, one romantic. Kinda says something about those two, doesnt it?

The northwest exit from the starting screen leads to another seed dispenser, this soccer-related minigame and another gate under construction. The foreman has the same thing to say, but

The workers have their own problems over here. Still, nothing we can do now but go to the assembly grounds and see what this stamp rally is all about.

Ah, theres Bo! Lets poke him a bit.

...You have got to be kidding me.

So, yeah. Thats what our red ingredient is going to be. Shaved ice.
Just let that sink in for a minute.
Also, heres what happened after I told Leavemywife that the Ham-Hams were going to a festival.
Steam conversation with Leave posted:
Leavemywife: Is it...
Leavemywife: Oh, God, is it called takoyaki?
Yapping Eevee: The red ingredient is not Takoyaki, though it is food.
Leavemywife: Ketchup?
Leavemywife: Hell, I should know this. Swedish Fish?
Yapping Eevee: Only not a food that makes me think 'red'.
Leavemywife: ...
Leavemywife: Tuna?
Yapping Eevee: Want me to tell you, or should I wait for the update?
Leavemywife: Just tell me.
Yapping Eevee: Shaved ice. With some manner of red sauce on it, but no, the shaved ice dessert as a whole is the ingredient.
Leavemywife: ...
Leavemywife: What
Yapping Eevee: Exactly.
Yapping Eevee: It's so stupid.
Leavemywife: Goddamn, man.
Leavemywife: I would have never guessed that.
Yapping Eevee: Neither would I. I can't wait to see how the thread reacts.
Leavemywife: I'm what the fuck'ing so hard.

Also, apparently Bo is actually flying around and telling us how to play Ham Games?

Theres a couple of other hamster teams that plan to compete

...though none of them are half as cool as the Sundown Kid over here.

Anyway, we should probably start filling this thing in.

Oh, and also finish the gates ourselves on account of those six workers going AWOL. We cant really do anything about it with just Hamtaro and Bijou, though.

So lets focus on getting some stamps first.

Acorn Shoot n Score is a nice easy one to start off with, though you can get bonus points by having more acorns at the end, provided you can stop the meter in just the right spot to take out two cards. Its 10 + 6 per acorn, so you could make 40 points if you manage that twice.

After successfully completing a Ham Game, we actually get to see the stamp on our card, as well as a map of the area with all the Ham Game locations on it. The map is ever so slightly inaccurate, as the north most area does not exist. There is a north exit from that long starless room, but its for leaving and going back to the world map.
Weve only seen the bottom two rows of the festival though, so we still have plenty to explore.

If we return to Auntie Viv, her dialogue goes a little bit further after the stamp rallys started. Lets give her a hand.

And just like that, Bijous off on her own! Of course, we know one Ham-Ham who might be interested in talking to her now

Sorry, Boss-man.

Still, at least Boss gets a little bit of time alone with Bijou, just until we walk back over to Auntie Viv.

Heh At least hes settled down now. Still, those gates seems like more than a three ham job, so

Well, the obvious solution is recruit Panda. But first, I think we need to take a certain prima donna down a few pegs.

You bet your psychotic little butt we are!

Wow, how long has it been since Bijou had a minigame? Actually No, I think this may be her first! And thats despite being in the party for every area except Ticky-Ticky Park.

Heart Catch is a simple enough game, where you can move around and press A to gather up hearts, but is perfectly winnable by standing somewhere around here and just mashing A. Well, unless

Sparkle manages to body-check Bijou off of the stage too many times.

Successfully dodging her by jumping with B will give you plenty of free time to suck up hearts, so getting 50 points for a full meter shouldnt be difficult.

I really hope she doesnt hire someone to hunt us down over this.

Lets just take our stamp and make a hasty exit.

And at long last, Panda joins our party! Thats all thirteen playable Ham-Hams thatve been with us at one point or another.

There is one last thing we can do before finishing off the gates, though. Lets give Boss a chance to flex his muscles!

Barbell Lift requires you to set the meter, then mash A hard enough to keep it in the sweet spot for a few seconds. Boss is a pretty strong Ham-Ham, so this isnt too difficult.

Even the second round shouldnt give you much trouble.

Alright, thats a quarter of the Ham Games done already!

Now, a little bit of elbow grease and this gate should be done in no time!

...Well, its certainly something.

By the way, its important to go to both sides and finish building the gates. If you dont do one side, you wont be able to use it to get around the festival!

The rest of the festival has plenty more booths and things to see, but I think well save that for later.

So for now, lets just enjoy this picture of Jingle riding his hog and playing some tunes, and Ill see you all next time.